We will work with your company in a flexible way to help ensure that any partnership meets your business needs as well as supporting the work of Jessie May Nurses.
We don’t mind what your company size is, where your offices are based, or how many employees you have – any help you can offer is gratefully received!

The benefits to you include:
- Having the chance to support local terminally ill children and their families
- Motivating colleagues at all levels within your business
- Achieving and exceeding Corporate Social responsibility objectives
- Receiving certificates and notes of thanks to display in your office
- Increases your business’ profile within the local community.
What we’ll provide you with:
- Our dedicated “We’re making a difference for Jessie May” logo to use on your website and other literature during the challenge
- Benefit from PR in local press, on local TV and radio as we continue to seek coverage of Charity of the Year activities
- Receive a pack featuring simple fundraising ideas to help motivate staff
- Regular, ongoing contact from our dedicated Corporate Partnerships Officer should you need any assistance or inspiration during your challenge

Hear from some of our Charity Partners!
“Jessie May have been an absolute pleasure to work with and could not have been a more deserving cause to of selected as our partner charity. In all the years we have been creating our Christmas Hampers I have never seen such overwhelmed faces, and this will forever be one of my favourite moments as part of our Charity Committee.” – Higos
Help us to provide a specialist Jessie May nurse for every child by making Jessie May your ‘Charity of the Year’.

If you would like to learn more about how to make Jessie May your Charity of the Year, please contact our Partnerships Executive.
E: kim.jamescoggins@jessiemay.org.uk