With the festive season now in full-swing, we can announce that our Bristol landlines and inboxes will be closing over the Christmas period.
After an incredibly difficult and trying year, we have decided to close, and give our staff a few extra days to spend time with their families.
Opening Hours:
Monday 21st – Thursday 24th December: 9am – 5pm
Friday 24th December: CLOSED
Monday 28th December: CLOSED
Tuesday 29th December: CLOSED
Wednesday 30th December: CLOSED
Thursday 31st December: CLOSED
Friday 1st January 2021: CLOSED
Monday 4th January 2021: 9am – 5pm
How to contact:
If you need to get in touch with an emergency, you can still call both our Admin and Fundraising lines. The voicemail will direct you to the contact you need.
Admin: 0117 9616840
Fundraising: 0117 9582174
Our Nurses will be supporting those families who need our help most at this time of year, especially those at end of life. Please do think of them when you are spending time with your loved ones throughout Christmas.
If you would still like to spread some #JessieJoy over Christmas, you can donate through our website here. All donations will be processed when our team come back to the office on Monday 4th January.