Junior Fascinating Rhythm (Junior FR) has celebrated its tenth anniversary by hosting a special concert. The full-house audience was made up of Junior FR girls’ parents and grandparents, ex-Junior FR students with their families, and several Fascinating Rhythm members.
The evening concert, held on 4 December 2021 at Iron Acton Village Hall, featured Junior FR’s current line-up singing several chorus numbers, as well as several soloists and duettists who have previously represented the choir at Eisteddfods and singing competitions. The celebration featured some of Junior FR’s newest and best-loved songs and saw all current and former singing members reunited for a moving rendition of ABBA’s song ‘Thank You For The Music’.
To mark the occasion, Wendy Howse, Junior FR’s Musical Director, was presented with a special commemorative framed ‘family tree’ picture showing the name of each of Junior FR’s current and former members, with the founding members and adult helpers on the lower branches and newer members and helpers towards the top. Smaller versions of the tree were presented to each of the adults who have supported Junior FR as ‘helpers’ over the past ten years, in recognition of their contribution.
“It was an amazing evening, full of joy and celebration” reflects Wendy. “The absolute highlight was having every Junior FR member, current and past, on stage to sing ‘Thank You For The Music’. The sound was immense and my grin was even wider!
Fascinating Rhythm’s Musical Director Jo says “It was such a privilege to be sitting in the audience for this very special concert and an even greater honour to be invited to direct one of their songs ‘This is Me’. It is so evident by the whole polished performances through the evening just how hard the girls work not only in rehearsal but on their own at home, true dedication.”
The concert concluded with a retiring collection, which together with other fundraising activities, raised approximately £500 for Jessie May.
“Despite the huge impact on choirs over the last couple of years, Wendy and her team have continued to support Jessie May and we can’t thank them enough for sticking by us! The Junior Fascinating Rhythm concert not only celebrated 10 incredible years of the organisation but also raised vital funds for the children and families Jessie May support throughout the local communities. The £500 they raised means that we can provide over 7 hours of specialist nursing care and bereavement support to those who need it. This will make a huge impact. Thank you all so much!”
Charlotte Bugler, Community Engagement Fundraising Officer at Jessie May
“I will be buzzing for weeks after this event and I can’t wait to see what the next ten years have in store for Junior FR.”
Wendy Howse, Junior FR’s Musical Director
Joining Junior FR
Junior FR is currently recruiting new members so if you, or someone you know, is interested in taking up singing or joining, please contact them via their website.
Junior FR is a choir for girls aged 7 to 16 years old. There is no audition process for new members and no previous singing or musical experience is needed. Members meet weekly during term-time at Iron Acton Village Hall (Friday afternoons, 4.00-5.30pm), perform at events throughout the year and help to raise money for various charities.