Arthur and Evie recently shared their heartfelt stories on BBC Point West during the Gympanzees event, highlighting the significant impact of Jessie May’s work. This event, in partnership with Gympanzees, focused on the need for inclusive leisure facilities for children and their families. Siblings often miss out on typical childhood activates due to the care of their disabled brothers and sisters. Jessie May’s creates opportunity’s to help families balance these challenges, allowing them to create cherished memories together.

In the UK, there are one million disabled children and many families face barriers to accessing regular leisure activities. Statistics show that 77% of these families struggle to find suitable activities, which impacts their health and well-being, and 72% suffer from mental health difficulties due to isolation. Jessie May’s support is crucial in bridging this gap, providing essential care that allows siblings to enjoy their childhoods and families to stay connected. Arthur and Evie’s full stories will be featured on BBC Points West soon.

Help us continue making a difference for families like Arthur and Evie’s. Donate today and make a difference! 💜

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