In many cases a concern or potential complaint is often best initially raised informally with the person most directly involved. We always encourage open discussion in person, either by phone or email.

You may feel that you wish to make a more formal complaint. If so, this can be done verbally or in writing by email or letter, ideally within 3 calendar months of the incident about which the concern or complaint relates.

If you can suggest how the concern or complaint could be resolved it may help Jessie May to seek and secure a positive outcome, in a quick and efficient manner.

There may be times when we fall short, and we recognise that, from time to time, individuals may be dissatisfied or concerned about the way the organisation, its staff or volunteers have acted.

In the event that this happens, we want to hear about it as quickly as possible, to be able to respond and to put in place measures to stop it from happening again.

We also welcome feedback from people who have benefitted from Jessie May as this is encouraging to staff and volunteers.

If you have a complaint, concern or complaint about Jessie May, that relates to;

Jessie May nurses

Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and Complaints

At Jessie May and University Hospitals Bristol and Weston
NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) we are passionate about child and family experience
– we want every one of our children, together with their relatives to receive
the best possible service when accessing our care. Sometimes however, things do
not go to plan, and we want to assure you that whatever happens, we will always
do our best to put things right and, equally importantly, try to stop it from
happening again.  If your experience does
not match your expectations, please tell us about it.

What does the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
and Complaints Team do?

The aim of the UHBW PALS and Complaints Team is to resolve
any concerns, queries or questions that our families or members of the public
raise with UHBW about the care provision at Jessie May. We are able to assist
with problems and can liaise with staff on your behalf. We can provide:

  • non-clinical information and advice

  • a contact point for families who wish to make
    suggestions about how services can be improved

  • management of complaints

How to contact the PALS and Complaints Team

There are a variety of ways in which you can contact us so
you can use the method that suits you best.

Complete an online enquiry/concerns/compliment form.

Telephone – You can telephone us on 0117 342 1050, where you
can leave a message with our answering service and one of our administrators
will contact you within two working days to take the details of your enquiry.
In the majority of cases, your call will be returned on the same day. Our
administrators will then pass your enquiry on to a Complaints Officer who will
be in contact with you to discuss your enquiry in more detail.  

Write to us – You can send your complaint in writing to
University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, PALS and Complaints Team,
A201, Welcome Centre, Bristol Royal Infirmary, Upper Maudlin Street, Bristol,

In person –  We offer
a drop-in session between 10am and 12.30pm, and 1.00pm and 2.30pm, Monday to
Friday, where you can speak to a member of the PALS and Complaints Team in
person. Our office is located in the corridor to the left of the Welcome
Centre, as you enter the main entrance of the Bristol Royal Infirmary, at
location A2.


Jessie May will acknowledge your complaint or concern within 5 working days of receipt. Your complaint will be then be investigated, and within 5 further working days we will aim to provide you with a response.

If you are not happy with the response, your complaint will be referred internally to the relevant Director who will acknowledge receipt within 5 working days.

Your concern or complaint will be fully investigated, and a full written reply will be sent to you within 5 working days.

If the concern or complaint is of a more serious or complex nature, a reply will be supplied within 20 working days.

If you are still not satisfied with the report from the Director you should make this clear in your reply, within 5 working days, and your concern or complaint will then be passed on to the Chief Executive and the Chair of the Jessie May Board of Trustees, in turn.

If your complaint is about fundraising and you are still unhappy, you can contact the Fundraising Regulator who will independently investigate your complaint. You contact them on their website:

All complaints, at whatever level, are recorded within the Jessie May Register of Complaints, along with the resolution offered and any subsequent action taken. The staff member must also notify their line manager.

The Register is reviewed by the Jessie May Senior Management Team on an ongoing basis. An anonymised summary of complaints is also reported to our Board of Trustees and relevant clinical and family groups, if such information is requested.

The Local Hospice Lottery is an independent company that Jessie May are proud to be partnered with. The Local Hospice Lottery is a weekly lottery set up to provide financial support to adult and children’s hospices across Great Britain.

If you have a complaint, or query, please contact the Local Hospice Lottery directly at:


Call: 0800 3160645