No Place Like Home – Our Five Year Strategy

2022 marked the launch of ‘No Place Like Home’, Jessie May’s five year strategy.  At the heart is a commitment to working with more children and their families in providing hospice care at home.  The strategy has six key areas which focus on:

24/7 End of Life Support – we will prioritise working with others, to provide care and support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to children who are at the end of their lives in their own home.

New Children & Family Projects – we will expand and develop the services we provide, to ensure that children and families are fully supported and that we are there for the wider family, including siblings.

Children & Family Involvement – we will continue to involve families in shaping the services we provide and ensure that their voice is heard and that what we offer is based on family needs.

Influencing – we will offer our learning and experience, working with others, to facilitate the further development and improvement of services and to enable similar services to Jessie May to be established in areas where they do not exist. 

Sustainable Fundraising – we will strengthen and diversify our income streams to increase long-term sustainability so that we can continue to support Jessie May children and their families.

People – we will invest in our workforce, recognising that our staff and volunteers are our most precious resource, we will ensure everyone is able to develop to their full potential and that their health and wellbeing is supported at work.

Underpinning our six key areas are three further focus areas, which are the priority of 2023/24.

3 focus areas:

Financial Model – ensuring that we have the financial systems in place to support our growth as a charity

Nursing Model – ensuring that we have a scalable nursing model in place to support our expansion into new geographical areas

Impact Model – ensuring that we have evaluated the difference Jessie May makes to the children and families we support and the impact that we have on health and other services, by supporting a child in their home

It’s an exciting time for us, and we’re enjoying implementing these already.