Happy Mother’s Day to all of the Jessie May Mum’s, and Mum’s far and wide!

In today’s Mother’s Day special Jessie May Trustee, Julie Kembrey, tells us the story of a special woman in her life; her Mum, Marina:

“When our young daughters were diagnosed with a progressive, life-limiting condition, our family was shaken to the core, and our lives turned upside down. My Mum, Marina, was immediately galvanised to “DO SOMETHING”. She decided to raise money for medical research in the hope of finding a cure. Within a very short time she and her brother were doing regular car boot sales, selling items donated by family and friends, and this continued for about 7 years.

In 2003 Mum seized the opportunity to open a small, independent charity shop, “Marina and Friends”. Tiny, and crammed with bargains, her shop has been at the heart of her local community ever since, with Mum and her band of wonderful volunteers working hard to raise as much money as possible whilst sharing her story.

Sadly, our daughters died in their teenage years, leaving our family devastated. Mum has a steely character and was determined to continue her work for the benefit of other children and families. To date she has raised over £250,000 for research into Sanfilippo disease, and work in this field is making significant progress.

In 2017 the MPS Society recognised Mum’s incredible efforts with an Award of Excellence. She received a standing ovation from families and medical professionals alike, and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house!

Marina’s kindness and generosity does not stop there. She also supports Jessie May in various ways, in appreciation of the wonderful care her grand- daughters received.

Marina is an amazing woman, and we are so proud of her.

Happy Mother’s Day Mum.”

Julie Kembrey, Jessie May Trustee

Our Jessie May Mum’s need our support, now more than ever. With the ongoing crisis spreading, our families are now feeling more isolated in their own homes. But we can’t do it without your help.

We need you to be our lifeline, so we can continue to be there for our families.

Donate today, to help keep our Jessie May Nurses on the road, and visiting our children in their own homes, as much as possible.

There are many ways you can choose to donate:
You can send us a direct bank transfer:Donate here on the website:Or pop a cheque through the post addressed to:
CAF Bank
Sort Code: 40 52 40
Account Number: 00031294
www.jessiemay.org.uk/donate-nowJessie May
35 Old School House
Kingswood Estate
Britannia Road
BS15 8DB