Father and son Richard and Dylan shared their incredible story on BBC Bristol Radio. In just one week, they rode through eight beautiful countries, to raise money and awareness for Jessie May Children’s hospice at home- a charity that has supported the family for 15 years.

Jessie May has been a crucial support for Richard’s daughter and Dylan’s sister, Tilly-may. The charity provides in-home care, which allows the family to have some normality in their lives. Richard explained:

“They come into the house and look after Tilly-May’s complex needs. There are always two nurses to make sure Tilly-May gets the care she needs. This means my wife can do things like go out for lunch, run errands, or spend time with Dylan, knowing Tilly-May is in safe hands.”

Jessie may’s support also offers Dylan some relief. They charity’s care means he can enjoy time away, like this trip, without worrying about his sister’s well-being. Dylan shared:

It’s a bit of a relief because you can go out and know that Tilly-May will be in safe hands back at home.”

Richard and Dylan didn’t just go on this trip for fun; it was something they had planned for a while. Richard shared:

“We try to do a long ride every year. I turned 50 this year, and Dylan was 16, so we decided to make it a big journey. Then we thought, if we’re doing this, why not do it for charity?

For Dylan, these trips with his dad are special:

“Yes, it’s the highlight of the year.”

Their journey took them through eight countries, and Switzerland was a favorite for its stunning mountains views. Dylan said:

“Switzerland, definitely. The views were like nothing I’ve seen before- very crisp and sharp air.”

so far, they have raised £2,530, and their JustGiving page is still open for donations. But this journey wasn’t just about raising money- it was also about spreading awareness of the essential work Jessie May dose for families like theirs.

If their story inspires you, consider donating or sharing their JustGiving page. Your support can make a big difference for families like theirs.

JustGiving Page: https://www.justgiving.com/page/alps-for-angels?utm_medium=fundraising&utm_content=page%2Falps-for-angels&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=pfp-share

Listen to Full Interview – John Darvall – 06/08/2024 – BBC Sounds ( 2:12:10 – 2:22:04)