Jessie May welcomes the news of the establishment of The Children’s Funeral Fund (CFF) announced by Prime Minister, Theresa May, last week.

Families across the UK grieving the tragic loss of a child through death, or stillbirth, will no longer have to bear the burden of meeting the costs of their burial or cremation, as a result of this new government scheme set up to provide vital financial support. The fund will be available to family’s regardless of their income, and will help to relieve additional stress at what is an already tragic time in their lives.

Bereavement Lead at Jessie May, Helen Williams, outlines the vital importance the new scheme will pay to families,

At Jessie May we know only too well the devastating impact it has on a family when their child dies. To have to face the additional financial stress of the cost of their child’s funeral only adds to the pain and grief. This new fund will never remove the pain, but will go some way to helping families mourn their child’s death and celebrate their life.

Regulations are already underway, ahead of the CFF being available from 23rd July 2019.

To find out more about the Children’s Funeral Fund, head over to the website here.