All throughout April you can make a difference to Jessie May by just making one click. It’s that simple.

We have teamed up with Discount Promo Codes who every month donate 20% of their profit to a charity who gets the most votes on their monthly poll. Three charities take part in the poll, and the charity with the most votes at the end of the month wins the money.

The best news is voting is free, you don’t have to register and you don’t even need to purchase anything! But if you do feel like saving money on everything from meals out, furniture to toys why not have a look through the website. Anything you buy will add to the profits which will be donated to the winning charity.

To vote for Jessie May visit the My Discounts Code homepage, find the charity poll on the right-hand side, select Jessie May and click vote!

Voting closes on 30th April at midnight.