Donating to Jessie May means the life of someone you love will have a lasting impact on our work for years to come.
“While Theo was alive our lives were busy with appointments, calls and hospital visits. After he died we were surprised by how quiets things became. But the support of Jessie May Nurses remained constant and their Bereavement Support was vital to us.” – Sarah, Theo’s Mum

Donate online
By phone
You can get in touch with a member of our team to donate on the number below:
0117 958 2174
By post
Please send cheques (payable to Jessie May) to:
35 Old School House,
The Kingswood Estate,
Britannia Road,
Kingswood, Bristol
BS15 8DB
Please don’t forget to tell us who you are and who your gift is in memory of so that we can thank you.
Funeral collections & Tribute funds
For lots of people, supporting our Jessie May nurses is something positive to focus on at a difficult time. A reminder that when lives are lost, they are not forgotten.
Collecting donations at a funeral is a powerful way that you can remember a loved one. You can set up an online page, such as, which is an easy way to collect money online and over time they can be grown into tribute funds.

If you would like to know more about making a gift in memory or setting up a tribute fund, please contact our Individual Giving Manager, Kath Jones on:
M: 07341 736495