Trusts and Foundations make a huge difference to the hospice at home service that our specially trained nurses provide to terminally ill and life limited children and their families across the South West. Grants currently form the largest proportion of our income, so without you, we really couldn’t help all of the children and families that we do.
We are so grateful to the incredible grant-givers who support our work. Thank you!
You can read more about that work in our latest impact report, or find out more about our plans for our future in our new 5 Year Strategy (2022-27).

Funding needs
Each year, we need help from grant-givers to fund our vital activities, which include:
Help provide specialist nursing and respite care for terminally ill and life limited children in their own home, where they feel most safe.
When the worst happens, you can help our specialist Bereavement team to continue supporting families for up to five years after their child’s death.

If you are thinking about making a grant and would like to find out more about our work, please contact our Trust, Grants & Statutory Manager, Kayleigh Ellis on:
M: 07341 736 504