CEO of Jessie May has dusted off his running shoes (after quite a break!) and challenged himself to run The Sodbury Slog on the 13th November. The 10-mile muddy race is a firm favourite on the local running calendar. 

Why have you chosen to run The Sodbury Slog? 

“I’ve been wanting to get fitter and signing up for this race has given me the kick I needed to get out and do it. The last time I ran was 12 years ago when I did a 10k so this is a bit of a challenge! 

Since coming to Jessie May I have been so moved by the work we do I wanted to raise money and do my bit for this special charity. So, to combine this aim with getting fitter is a win-win.” 

How is the training going? 

“I’ve been running twice a week for a few weeks now and have managed to get to the 7.5 mile mark on my long run. I have to admit I’ve been enjoying it. I like to run alone and enjoy the nature and the sounds. It’s a great way to sort out thoughts and ideas.” 

What are your tips for new runners? 

“Have a target, something to aim for. And use an app or follow a set training plan that is progressive. It’s really helpful if the reason you are running is strong. To be honest when it feels tough to keep going all I have to think of is what our Jessie May children go through on a day-to day basis and that’s all the motivation I need.”