With Coronavirus taking the media world by storm, Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced on Wednesday how the UK Government will put provisions in place to support individuals and businesses over the next year in the 2020 Budget.

Whilst a lot of the focus at first surrounded COVID-19, there were also a number of medical and health elements highlighted that will have a positive effect on a number of Jessie May children, and their families.


Starting with our favourite topic at the minute, the Coronavirus has affected most, if not all across the country in some way. Around COVID-19, the Government has announced the following:

  • Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) – SSP will be payable to individuals diagnosed from Day 1 instead of Day 4, to those that are self-isolating in line with Government advice
    • Those not eligible, self-employed or earning below the Lower Earning Limit, will now be able to more easily make a claim for Universal Credit or Contributory Employment and Support Allowance to support any time off taken due to COVID-19.
  • Fit Notes – People advised to self-isolate due to COVID-19 will soon be able to obtain a fit note via NHS 111, rather than visiting a doctor.

£6 billion of new funding to support the NHS

The new funding injection announced for over the next 5 years will help to provide:

  • 50 million more GP surgery appointments
  • 50,000 more nurses across our health sector
  • Fund wider commitments on hospital car parking and support for people with learning disabilities and autism

Neo-natal pay and leave for working parents

The birth of a child is one of the most special moments of an individual’s life. But when that child is born premature, or with complications, it can lead to difficult decisions having to be made by the new parents.

Employees whose babies spend an extended period of time in neonatal care will soon be able to access neonatal leave and pay entitlement.

It will provide up to 12 weeks paid leave, of £160 a week for those eligible, so that new parents do not have to choose between returning to work and being there to support their newborn.

Hospital parking fees to be scrapped for those in need

Coming into effect next month (April), the government is set to scrap fees for patients, and their families, with a disability or terminal illness.

This announcement will personally save individuals hundreds, if not thousands of pounds a year, when taking their child to regular appointments, or having to pay for overnight stays.

There was a lot to be said by Chancellor Sunak on Wednesday that sees small positive changes being made for many of our families.

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