Being a family led charity; started by families for families, Jessie May is no stranger to the incredible Mum’s that make up our lives. From the Mum who started it all, the Mum’s of children in our care, the Mum’s that make up our Nursing team – we’ve got Mum’s all around!

With Mother’s Day tomorrow, Jessie May Nurse, Gemma, tells us what it’s like for her being a Mum, supporting another Mum:

As a Mum, I often feel that I could be doing more for my children, or that what I’m doing isn’t enough. There’s always this underlying guilt when I have to go to work, not having enough hours in the day, having to do something else instead of sitting down and playing or whatever it is your children would like to do. Or sometimes you’re just tired and you need an hour to yourself! Sometimes you forget its class assembly or that its world book day and they need a costume.

I think its really important to say this sort of stuff to other mums without worrying about being judged and feeling like a failure. Nobody is perfect, mostly we’re all just doing our best at that moment in time. And that’s what I say to my friends that are mums when they’re having a bad day, and also to the mums on the caseload. Its nice when we do a visit and mum gets a few hours to herself, whether that’s to sleep, clean or go for a pamper, we all need a break now and then. As mums we should support and empower each other, share our stories, the good and the bad. It makes you realise you’re not alone. Being a mum is amazing, you would literally do anything for your children, but its also really tough at times!!”

Gemma Warren, Jessie May Nurse, North Team

Our Jessie May Mum’s need your support, now more than ever. With the ongoing crisis, our families are now feeling more isolated in their own homes. But we can’t do it without your help.

We need you to be our lifeline, so we can continue to be there for our families.

Donate today, to help keep our Jessie May Nurses on the road, and visiting our children in their own homes, as much as possible.

How you can donate:
You can send us a direct bank transfer:Donate here on the website:Or pop a cheque through the post addressed to:
CAF Bank
Sort Code: 40 52 40
Account Number: 00031294 May
35 Old School House
Kingswood Estate
Britannia Road
BS15 8DB