Following on from the success in January of meeting Bristol City WFC, we are pleased to say that the team have offered families supported by Jessie May the opportunity to watch any of their home games for the rest of this season.  We have been allocated 30 tickets per game; 10 accessible tickets and 20 in the main stand. These are available on a first come, first serve basis (please note these are not in the same area).

We would like to extend this invitation beyond immediate family – if you’ve got a cousin or an uncle or even a close friend who you know would love to come to a game – don’t hesitate to bring them along! 

It’s a great day out and we encourage you to get involved. Follow the link below to apply for tickets, move fast, these will go quick!

Game dates are;

  • 24th March
  • 20th April
  • 28th April
  • 18th May