Ever dreamt of flying? Why not take on the ultimate fundraising experience for Jessie May and wing walk!

We are thrilled to have joined forces with AeroSuperBatics, the world’s only formation wing walking team, to offer the exhilarating fundraising experience of wing walking!

Wing walkers are strapped to the top wing of a biplane flown by a wing walking display pilot to experience a series of flypasts, zoom climbs and steep dives. The wing walking experience take place at AeroSuperBatics’ private airfield RFC Rendcomb in Cirencester, Gloucestershire, and wing walkers’ families and friend are invited to come along and watch their loved one taxi across the airfield on the biplane’s wing.

Helen Mackie, Senior Community Events Fundraiser at Jessie May, said:

“If you’ve ever dreamt about flying, this is the perfect experience for you – and on top of soaring the skies you’ll be making a world of difference to the families the Jessie May Nurses support too!

We are delighted to have teamed up with AeroSuperBatics and offer wing walking to our brave supporters. We’re now calling on adrenaline-seeking fundraisers to sign up and help raise vital funds for our charity, so our nurses can continue to support families caring for a terminally ill child, and welcome additional children to our services.

It costs £50 to register for the wing walk and we ask that supporters pledge to raise £1,000 in sponsorship prior to the big day. The actual wing walking experience can be booked on a date suitable to each fundraiser – so sign up and prepare for the ride of your life and help support Jessie May!”

To book your wing walk experience in support of Jessie May, contact their Fundraising Team on 0117 9582174 or fundraising@jessiemay.org.uk. Registration is £50, with a minimum fundraising sponsorship of £1,000. Alternatively, you can pay £450 upfront and fundraise as much as you can.

*Those interested in wing walking for Jessie May must ensure they’ve read the below regulations.

Our regulations are that all wingwalkers must be:
  • At least 18 years old
  • No taller than 6ft 2”.
  • No heavier than 14 stone.
  • Waist measurement, whilst wearing warm clothing and a jacket must be 40” or less.
  • Able to climb completely unassisted up to and down from the top wing of one of our Boeing Stearman biplanes. This is a steep climb of approximately 10ft / 3m, but you will be given full guidance by our professional wingwalker.
  • Have not suffered any of the following conditions: Epilepsy, fits, severe head injury, recurrent blackouts, fainting fits or giddiness, disease of the brain or nervous system, high blood pressure, heart or lung disease, recurrent weakness or dislocation of any limb, diabetes, mental illness, drug or alcohol addiction.

For more information about wing walking, visit: www.aerosuperbatics.com