There’s less than 2 months to go now until Jessie May Nurse Steve takes on a gruelling 24 hour running challenge in support of our charity!

We’re incredibly excited to cheer on Steve as he takes on the challenge to boost funds for Jessie May at the 24 Hour Conti Thunder Run, taking place on July 20th in Walton-on-Trent. Steve, who has worked in the Jessie May Care Team for over 2 ½ years, has so far raised £1,333.44 for Jessie May through his ‘The Difference a Day Makes’ fundraiser; over 44% of his £3,000 target!

He hopes to raise £3,000 for Jessie May through his fundraising efforts and is encouraging further donations via his fundraising page here before the big day.

Nurse Steve said: “Training for the 24 hour run is going really well, I have learnt a few hard lessons whilst training but I have a plan in place! It is a lot easier dragging myself out of bed on these sunny mornings as opposed to winter mornings.

Fundraising is also going really well and I am at 44% of the target. This is so amazing but we still have a fair way to go! I hope by completing the 24 Hour Thunder Run, it inspires people to talk about Jessie May, and why our support is vital to families, and make a donation through my fundraising page (here) if they can.”

Steve has been training around the clock in preparation for the 24 Hour Conti Thunder Run, including weekly Park Runs, the Frenchay 10K and most recently, the Newport Marathon.

Steve added: “I am also continuing to blog about my training ahead of the day and sharing updates on my progress, so keep an eye on the Jessie May blog page and my fundraising page too.”

To make a donation on Steve’s fundraising page, visit: